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Jill Maher

Start Your Day Off With a Bang!!

For more information and help achieving your health and nutrition goals, contact me today! I work in-person, by phone, or by skype/facetime with my clients.

You've probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I think all meals are important, but I do believe having a nourishing breakfast sets you up for success the rest of the day.

I see a wide variety of eating styles in my nutrition practice. Some people come to me initially not eating anything until lunch (yikes!); while others eat an all-fruit smoothie or maybe all protein - people are all over the board!

I personally believe that eating a balanced breakfast with protein, complex carbohydrates, and a little fat sets you up for success! Eliminating food groups NEVER works long term. A balanced approach will provide energy for your busy morning and prevent cravings later in the day.

Think of eating earlier in the day and more frequently to stave off those pesky common carb and sugar cravings later in the afternoon :) People who go hours between meals tend to have low energy, mood swings, and get raging cravings later in the day. Does this sound like you? It sure sounds like the old me!

Many people skip breakfast to "save calories" and lose weight. Let me tell you something, through personal experience and helping numerous people, this doesn't work. Your metabolism adjusts to whatever you're doing to it. So, if you starve yourself, it slows to a screeching halt. And, ironically, not eating enough will lead to weight gain and fat storage.

You literally have to eat to fuel your body. Also, there's this crazy phenomenon called the thermic effect of food, which along with exercise and resting metabolic rate, make up your overall metabolic rate.

Eating increases your metabolism :)

Not only does skipping breakfast impact weight loss and energy, but according to a Harvard research study, people who skipped breakfast long term had a significantly increased risk of heart disease!


The study indicated that the stress of "fasting" all night and then skipping breakfast in the morning, increased insulin resistance, increased LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), decreased HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol), and increased blood pressure. All of these impact overall heart health. (

I'm a big fan of cooking in bulk if you don't have a lot of time. I make a big egg frittata sometimes to save time in the mornings. You can include veggies, learn protein, and potato or sweet potato chunks. Then top it off with a little avocado, and you have yourself a nice balanced breakfast that will stick with you for hours!

Need some breakfast ideas? Check out my Pinterest board !

For more information and help achieving your health and nutrition goals, contact me today! I work in-person, by phone, or by skype/facetime with my clients.

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